Getting your Motorcycle Licence
Since VISC is an ICBC licenced rider training facility, many of our instructors are also certified Motorcycle Skills Assessment Officers (MSAOs). This allows VISC to administer the ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test (MST) at our facilities on ICBC’s behalf. This means our students DO NOT have to attend a separate ICBC Testing Facility to ride their MST as it is included as part of our Novice Skills Course.
Enrolled VISC students are not required to observe the 14 day waiting period (or 30 days for 8L) before being eligible to take the MST - getting you riding and on the road sooner!
Step 1.
Learners Licence Test
Your first step is to attend an ICBC Driver Licensing Office and take a written knowledge test to receive a motorcycle learners licence.
IMPORTANT: A valid Class 6 or 8 learners licence is required in order to participate in our Novice and Traffic Skills Courses!
A motorcycle learners licence carries the following restrictions:
You must be within sight of a qualified supervisor
Your speed must not exceed 60 km/h
You may ride only during daylight hours - that is, between sunrise and sunset
No passengers
Riders with an 8L licence must also display an L sign
Note: If you are unsuccessful in passing your knowledge test, you must now wait 7 days before you are eligible to retake the knowledge test.
Step 2.
Motorcycle Skills Test
New riders are required to perform the ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test*. The MST is the first riding test required to qualify for a Class 6 or 8 motorcycle licence. Successful completion allows for the removal of the following two learners licence restrictions:
Riding with a qualified supervisor (so you can ride solo)
Speed not exceeding 60 km/h (so you can ride on the highways)
You have until the expiry date on your learners licence to complete your ICBC Road Test. Failure to do so in that time frame will result in having to re-ride the MST again.
VISC is able to offer and administer the ICBC MST/MSA to our students as part of our Novice Skills Course
* When the MST is conducted by a licenced facility, it is referred to as a Motorcycle Skills ‘Assessment’ (MSA). MSA & MST are essentially the same thing.
Step 3.
ICBC Road Test
Your final step to getting a full motorcycle licence is to take the ICBC Class 6/8 Road Test. All road tests are only administered by ICBC and cannot be taken before the Road Test date listed on your learners licence.
Class 8L licence holders must wait 12 months before taking their Class 8N Road Test and another 24 months before taking their final Class 6 Road Test.
Successful completion of the ICBC Road Test will remove the remaining restrictions from your motorcycle learners licence.
VISC students who successfully completed our Traffic Skills Course have the option to use any one of our traffic motorcycles for their Road Test at no additional charge! Perfect for those riders who do not yet have their own motorcycle.

We provide the bikes, training and the MST
Learn with VISC today!
L & N GLP Drivers (Graduated Licensing Program)
Drivers with less than two year's driving experience who are part of the GLP, will have some extra steps in getting their Class 8 motorcycle licence.
After passing the Motorcycle Skills Test, you must have your L for at least 12 months before taking your Road Test
After passing the Road Test, riders must display an N for 24 months
After at least 24 months with your N, you can take the final test-the Class 6 Motorcycle Road Test
Get a Head Start on Learning
VISC strongly recommends that all students review the following ICBC riding guides for motorcyclists. These guides provide additional riding knowledge and insight that will further benefit students who are enrolled in our Novice and Traffic Skills Courses. Driving Guides are available at ICBC Drivers Licensing Offices or click the button to view and download the latest versions online.
Learn to Ride Smart
Assists students with passing their motorcycle licence knowledge test, MSA skills test, and road test.
Tuning up for Riders
Helps students to better prepare for passing their upcoming motorcycle Road Test.