Training Risks & Liabilities

The Vancouver Island Safety Council takes every precaution to minimize the risk of accidents occurring during training and we have an excellent safety record to prove this. However, a certain element of risk is always present in learning to operate a motorcycle. VISC accepts the risk of damage to our training equipment and students will not be required to bear the cost of any accidental damage to our equipment.

The Vancouver Island Safety Council cannot accept responsibility for any bodily injury or damage to student's property while they are participating in our courses. All students and the parents/guardians of minors, will be required to sign an online release of liability for such bodily injury or property damage before commencing training with VISC.

Refund Policy

Once a Course has started, refunds will not be issued for the following:

  • Showing up to a course more than 30 minutes late

  • Not showing up to a course you are registered for without prior notification

  • Not having the correct licensing requirements (valid BC Motorcycle Learners Licence and photo ID)

  • Not having/bringing the minimum required riding gear as outlined by VISC in our Course Gear Requirements page

  • If a student is removed from a course for breaking course rules or for repeated dangerous actions

For more details on course refunds, see the “Cancellation & Transfer Policy” outlined below.

Cancellation & Transfer Policy

IMPORTANT: When you register for a course, you are paying for and taking up one 'place' in the course. Unfortunately, once training has started, we cannot substitute or fill 'your place' with another student and refunds will not be issued. The following are two examples of this situation:

Example #1: You complete Day 1, but miss Day 2 (sick, called into work, etc.). You now have not received Day 2 training which is required in order to move onto Day 3 training. Likewise, VISC now cannot drop in a new student to start on Day 2 as they have not had Day 1 training. In a case like this, the student who missed Day 2 training could make up the missed class by means of registering and paying for Extra Training session(s) before their next scheduled class in order to continue that course/class.

Example #2: If a short notice cancellation occurs and VISC cannot fill the vacancy, either because not enough time was provided to VISC to contact people on a wait list, or because the people on the wait list don't have enough time to make arrangements to make themselves available for the course.

 1. Cancellations out of a course

1. If the cancellation is made:

1.1 - 31 or more days before the course begins, we will refund the course fees paid less a $100.00 administration charge.
1.2 - 15 to 30 days before the course begins, we will refund the course fees paid less a $150.00 administration charge.
1.3 - Less than 15 days before the course begins, there will be no refund of any course fees, unless 3.1 applies.

2. A Student who does not attend all of the scheduled sessions of the course they are registered in will be considered to have cancelled out of that course.

2. Transfers to a later course

1. If the request for the transfer is made:

1.1 - 31 or more days before the course initially- registered- in begins, the transfer will be made upon payment of a $100.00 administration charge.
1.2 - 15 to 30 days before the course initially-registered-in begins, the transfer will be made upon payment of a $150.00 administration charge.
1.3 - Less than 15 days before the course initially-registered-in begins, the request for a transfer will be considered as a Cancellation (see 1.1.3) such that, unless 3.2 applies.

1.3.1 the course fees for the course initially registered in will not be refunded; and,
1.3.2 the course fees for the later course must be paid in full.

3. Cancellations (1.1.3) and Transfer requests ( made with less than 15 days before the course begins

We will endeavor to fill vacancies created in a course by a Cancellation or a Transfer, by making the vacated place in a course available to others. If we are able to fill such a vacancy by placing another Student in that course, we will:

1. for Cancellations, refund to the Student who has cancelled out of a course, a refund of course fees paid less a $150.00 administration charge.

2. for Transfers, the transfer will be made upon payment of a $150.00 administration charge.

* All references to fees and specific amounts are exclusive of applicable taxes, and all such amounts are subject to and will have applicable taxes added.

** The surcharge of 3% applied to credit card payments is non-refundable and will not be refunded in the event of a cancellation.

*** A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to administration charges paid by credit card in the event of a transfer.

Course fees paid by credit card are refunded to the original method of payment. Course fees paid by EMT are refunded by cheque and mailed. Gift Certificates are non-refundable.

Medical Disclosure Policy

Students MUST notify VISC on their application form if they suffer from any physical limitations, physical impairment, cognitive impairment, or are taking any medication that could adversely affect their physical or cognitive ability to operate the motorcycle in a safe manner.

If you do not wish to disclose medical details on your application form, we strongly urge you to have a private discussion with your instructor prior to commencing training. Being aware of physical or mental conditions allows your instructors to make adjustments to your training requirements, as well as maintaining the safest possible training experience for you and your fellow students.