Course Registration
Step 1.
Review Course Schedule
Our Course Schedule provides you with an up to date list of our course dates and availability.
Review the course(s) you would like to enroll in and take note of the course registration number(s), availability and dates (e.g. WE4PM, WE4T).
Course Schedule will open in new window
Step 2.
Complete Registration Form
Fill out and complete our online Course Registration Form.
Once submitted, you will receive an emailed receipt of your course registration submission. Payment will not be processed until course availability has been confirmed by our office.
Step 3.
Confirmation from VISC
VISC will review your submitted course selection(s), confirm their availability and then contact you by email within seven business days. Once everything is confirmed, payment will then be processed.*
A registration package containing detailed instructions and information pertaining to your selected course(s) will then be sent out to you.
* A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to all credit card payments.
Accepted forms of Payment
VISA, MasterCard, EMT (Email Money Transfer)
A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to all credit card payments.
Registering by Phone
If you are unable to complete our online Course Registration Form, you can register by calling the VISC Office at 250-478-9584 during office hours and our staff will assist you with getting registered for your course(s).
Registration by phone will take approximately 30-40 minutes. Registrations (online and phone) are processed in order as submitted. We cannot guarantee availability until the registration is ‘submitted’ into the queue and reviewed in order received. Registration processing can take up to 7 business days.
Visa or MasterCard payments are accepted over the phone. EMT payments also accepted.
A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to all credit card payments.
Registration FAQs
Do I need a motorcycle learners licence?
Yes. Students must either have a valid BC motorcycle learners licence or already possess a Class 6/8 licence by the first day of your course. VISC cannot let students ride if they do posess valid licensing - NO EXCEPTIONS. Licences are checked each day before riding.
Can I pay the course fees on the first day of the course?
No. Full payment is required to secure your selected course(s) and complete your registration. If payment hasn’t been received, then we cannot hold your spot in a course and it may be taken by other student.
Do I need to have a motorcycle learner’s licence before I register?
No, but it is required in order for you to participate in our Novice/Traffic Skills Courses. We also recommend that you do not leave taking your learners licence knowledge test until the last minute as there is now a 7 day waiting period if you are unsuccessful. If you do not have your learners licence prior to the start of your course, please consult our Cancellation & Transfer policies.
Is there a wait list for courses that are full?
Yes. We do keep a wait list for all of our courses, but we highly recommend that you still register for an available course while on a wait list as courses can fill up quickly.
Can I get a refund if I have to drop out of a course once it’s started?
No. Simply put, you are taking up a ‘spot’ in a course. Once the course has started VISC does not offer refunds as we cannot place a new/waitlisted student into a course after it has already begun.
Example: Student completes Day 1 of Novice but has to drop out. We cannot now take a new student who has not yet undergone Day 1 training and put them into your spot on Day 2.
We do understand that sometimes “life happens” and we run into unforeseeable situations. We will do our best to work with students to find options that will allow them to complete their training either by private sessions* or transferring* to another course.
* additional fees/costs may apply