
 Novice Skills Course



When you book both Novice & Traffic Skills Courses together at registration*

* $200 savings is applied only to initial course registration of both Novice and Traffic Skills Courses together. Offer does not apply if Traffic Skills Course is registered separately at a later date.


Our four day Novice Skills Course is designed for first time beginners as well as returning riders. Students receive instruction and training on the basics of how to safely and confidently operate a motorcycle.

This course is comprised of both tarmac riding and classroom theory sessions. Students will learn and practice various basic slow and higher speed exercises in a controlled environment. Each riding session ends with individual progress evaluations with your instructor.

During classroom theory sessions, students will participate in discussions and exercises that cover many topics and aspects of riding, as well as the challenges facing motorcyclists in today’s traffic environment.

* GST not included. A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to all credit card payments.

What you will Learn

Our knowledgeable ICBC licenced instructors will guide, coach and assist students through all the required course exercises, including:

  • Basic controls and operation of a motorcycle

  • Balance and braking

  • Slow speed riding and control techniques

  • Higher speed steering and cornering

  • Use of signals, mirrors, shoulder checking and scanning

  • Emergency braking and collision avoidance

  • Defensive riding tactics and street strategies for safe riding in traffic

  • All the skills needed to ride a successful ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test (MST)

 What’s Included

  • 16 hours of closed course riding sessions over 4 days

  • 8 hours of classroom theory sessions

  • Use of VISC motorcycle

  • Use of VISC full face helmet (if student does not yet have their own)

  • Private training area

  • Private classroom

  • ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test


ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test (MST)

Each Novice Skills Course concludes with students riding the ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test (MST).

Our qualified instructors conduct the MST at our training facility on ICBC’s behalf. This saves you from booking a separate trip to ICBC in order to be tested!

Successful completion of the MST allows for the removal of both the ‘supervisor’ and ‘speed’ restrictions from a motorcycle learners licence. This will allow new riders to then ride by themselves and ride at highway speeds in order to practice for their ICBC Road Test.


Say Hello to the Honda CRF250L

VISC has a dedicated fleet of Honda CRF250Ls that are the work horses for our Novice Skills Course. The CRF250L is easy to handle and confidence-inspiring to ride.

Several of our motorcycles have lowering kits and smaller wheels installed to help accommodate a wider range of rider heights. We have three different heights available.


Course Details

Price: $899 (+GST)*
Course Size: 10 Students and 2 Instructors (maximum)
Duration: 4 days (riding and classroom sessions combined).
Availability: Select Weekdays and Weekends. Check our course schedule page for dates.
Student Requirements:

* A non-refundable surcharge of 3% will apply to all credit card payments.

Extra Training Sessions (optional)

Not everyone will require or need Extra Training, however it is available for students who may discover that learning to ride a motorcycle is more challenging than they initially anticipated. Even though VISC provides the most riding time in all ‘learn to ride’ motorcycle courses in BC, some students may still require additional training to achieve success in their course.

Students are required to achieve a passing grade to complete the Novice Skills Course. Students must safety and adequately demonstrate one riding skill set before advancing onto the next lesson, as well as achieve a minimum level of “Acceptable” in all areas of course riding to successfully complete/pass this course.

For students having trouble achieving the level of riding required, Extra Training sessions* are available. These sessions provide students with additional riding and instruction outside of regular course time and focus on building riding skills to an acceptable level to continue with their Novice Skills Course. Students are expected to keep pace with their course’s dates and timeline in order to continue and progress with their originally registered course.

Extra Training sessions will be required for those students who are:

  • Not demonstrating safe riding

  • Posing a danger to themselves or others

  • Riding skills are not at minimum level of “A - Acceptable”

  • Riding exercises are marked “I - Incomplete” or “N - Needs Improvement”

Extra Training sessions are held on select Wednesdays and Thursdays

If a student cannot, or choses not to attend Extra Training session(s) to correct riding deficiencies identified by their Novice Skills Course instructor(s), they will:

  • Not be allowed to continue with their Novice Skills Course

  • Not be transferred into a different Novice Skills Courses (student can re-register for a new course)

  • Their Novice Skills Course training will end at this point**

Successful completion of the Novice Skills Course is a prerequisite and requirement to participate in our Traffic Skills Course. For full details and information, please head to our Extra Training page.

*Additional fees apply. Extra Training session(s) are NOT included with your Novice Skills Course registration. More than one Extra Training session may be required.
** No course refunds are provided once a Novice Skills Course starts. Please refer to VISC’s Cancellation & Transfer policies for more information.

Make this the year you learn to ride! Learn with VISC

Novice Course FAQs

What should I bring?

  • Photo ID/Drivers Licence & your Class 6/8 Learners Licence

  • Approved riding gear

  • Snacks and water/drinks

  • For cold and rainy days, please dress appropriately and bring rain gear if you have it

  • Dressing in layers is always a good idea to remain comfortable

  • Bring a lunch on full days when you have theory

What happens if I drop or damage the motorcycle?

VISC will not charge students for any accidental damage to our motorcycles. Drops happen; better it happen to our bike than yours! However, any damage resulting from intentional abuse or stunting will be charged to the student.

Will I need Extra Training to pass this course?

The majority of students successfully complete our Novice Skills Course without needing any additional training sessions. For those students who have trouble in achieving the level of riding required, Extra Training sessions are available at an additional cost.

Do I need a learners licence to take the course?

Yes! You must have your motorcycle learner's licence by the time your course begins! To get a motorcycle learner's licence, you must study the ICBC Learn to Ride Smart manual and then pass the written knowledge test at an ICBC Drivers Licensing Office. VISC does not issue any licences.

Check out more information on getting a motorcycle licence in BC.


Am I required to have a drivers licence or any driving experience in order to take this course?

No. A class 5/6 drivers licence is not a requirement, however it is to the student's advantage to have had some experience driving in traffic. You will however need a Class 6 or 8L learners licence as well as some form of photo ID if you do not have a drivers licence.

What riding gear do I need for this course?

VISC requires all students to have the following gear at a minimum:

  • Jeans

  • Boots that cover the ankle

  • Leather/textile gloves

  • Denim jacket

  • Full face helmet (VISC has helmets available to borrow) Modular/flip-front helmets are also acceptable.

  • Rain gear is recommended but not provided by VISC

Warning: if a student's gear does not meet VISC's minimum requirements, that student may not be able to participate in the course. Click the button below to see detailed information on our course gear requirements.